Monday, January 31, 2011

Tip of the day for the rest of your new years resolution days...

You can be as happy as these people if you 
know how to stick to your resolutions. =P


So according to statistics and years of personal experience, it's about this exact time when many of us give up on our resolutions. When January 1st came around, people were pumped to hit the gym and get fit for the summer season. But when February comes around, those resolutions seem to fade from existence.

Most people usually give up because they aren't seeing results as fast as they would like to see them. But the truth of the matter is, most won't see results for another 2-3 months, granted that they stick to their resolutions daily.

Before beginning your resolutions and before giving up, one needs to realize that they won't be seeing results any time soon if exercise and proper diet have been taboo for the majority of their lives. You don't immediately transform from a couch potato to a spartan warrior in 1 month! If that were the case, we'd all be monsters. It took me 6 years in the army, 4 months of taekwondo and 4 months of no school, therefore spending my time exercising to actually get in the groove of staying healthy and fit (I know, a long time... but it's so hard to turn your back on the Internet/laziness).

Today's lifestyle with all the time spent in front of a computer and tv, it's really easy to get lazy and hard to get motivated. It's also really easy to get discouraged. But if you ask yourself the right questions and really put your mind to it, soon enough you'll get into the groove. So ask yourself. What are you doing all this for? Are you trying to get fit to impress a little someone or are you trying to get fit for your general health? Are you giving yourself enough time? Are you being realistic? Are you being honest with yourself? Start slow, maybe 2-3 days a week of exercise. Tweak your diet. And make your resolutions enjoyable to complete.

So what's the tip for today? Be realistic. Be honest with yourself. Give yourself time. If you stick to your resolutions and if you get yourself in the right mindset, you WILL see positive and healthy results.

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