PART II - Change your diet!
I'm sure we all know people who complain about their weight and how much they "exercise" but continue to pig out and eat whatever they want. You know the saying, "You are what you eat" and the saying could never be more truer.
I want you to think about this... Other than air and water to survive, what's the next most important thing? Food. Duh. We eat food everyday because we NEED food to live. So if food is that important, then why put so little thought into it and stuff yourself with junk? Also, if food is that important, then it MUST be doing something to and for your body. What you eat and how it gets digested and processed is directly affecting your insides and mirrors on the outside.
So the tip of the day is to change your diet. I cannot stress it enough. Working out everyday but eating unhealthy will do nothing for you and obviously you won't see any results.
You can try all the fad diets all you want, but you need to change the number of calories you intake daily, the kinds of food you eat, when you eat etc. Stay away from processed foods. Eat your greens and fruits. Cut-down on refined sugar products. Also, no need to fully cut out carbs or fats. Just eat them in moderation. You need a little bit of everything but at the same time too much of a good thing is not a good thing, so find balance.
Last tip, if you crave fast food or other junks, please set one day or one meal a week to be your cheat day/meal. To have a cheat day is absolutely necessary psychologically and also physically. However, do not binge. Get a control your cravings before they control you! It's been about 10 months since I had a soda and 1 year and 3 months since I've had a piece of candy and I'm going on strong. So once you get the hang of it junk food will look, well, like junk.
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