Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

Thinking of reaching a buffet tonight? Don't skip your meals throughout the day thinking you'll make space for that buffet.

Most people know that skipping meals will result in stomach shrinkage. But some people believe that starving themselves before a buffet will give them more room in their stomach for more food. When you skip meals before a buffet, you're forcing a lot of food into a stomach that cannot retain its original amount. Therefore, you're also forcing your stomach to not only stretch out again but put in double the effort to digest the food. But the havoc doesn't stop there. Overworking your stomach forces your liver and spleen to overwork as well to produce the bile and blood needed to aid in digestion.

Some of the symptoms with a weakened and overworked spleen and liver are gasiness, chronic fatigue, lowered immune system, higher cholesterol levels, vision problems, dizziness, nausea, tendon and muscle problems, spasms, poor concentration and memory and the list goes on and on and on.

Many of these symptoms may occur over time so it's best to eat every meal in proper proportions for healthy organs. It all starts from the inside out, so take care of your insides!