Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beautificent Contest!

You're probably wondering, "What? A contest already? But your blog has only been up for less than a week!" Yes, it's been less than a week and yes, there is a contest!

In the coming days, I will let you know more details about the contest. It's going to be a simple draw for a prize package which you will find out very soon! This contest is sort of a way to kick start this blog and a little thank you to all my current readers for the support.

So, keep checking back daily for updates about the contest and the contest start date. In the mean time, enjoy my latest posts!

Thank you!


  1. Wow that was quick :O I wonder what the prize is....:P

  2. Yup! First contest on its way! You'll find out what the prize is in the coming days. So keep checking back.
