Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

Next time you're studying for an exam or writing a paper, instead of reaching for a bag of chips or candy, grab a handful of almonds instead. Almonds will give you that extra boost of energy to study strong, improve brainpower and cognitive function and OF COURSE slim down your waistline. A perfect snack to fight off the "freshman fifteen" while making the grades!

The health benefits of almonds are nearly endless. On top of boosting energy, improving cognitive function and slimming you down, almonds also:

- Prevents cancer
- Protects you against diabetes
- Eases constipation
- Reduces risk of heart disease
- Lowers cholesterol
- Regulates blood pressure
- Prevents birth defects
- Protects your skin against premature aging

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