Monday, November 22, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

Have you tried over the counter products for your acne only to find that it does nothing and/or produces too many unwanted side effects? Give tea tree oil a try for your acne.

There are many natural remedies for acne and one of them is the use of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil contains something called terpinen-4-ol which is an anti-bacterial and anti-septic element. Tea tree oil kills the bacteria, proprionibacterium acne, which causes acne on the face. Compared to acne medication such as benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil produces far less negative side effects. Users of benzoyl peroxide have probably experienced burning and stinging, itching, redness of skin, dryness and peeling. Benzoyl peroxide will also bleach clothing and bedsheets. Whereas tea tree oil may only produce slight drying if overused.

So if you need to try a natural remedy to combat acne, try tea tree oil. Begin with a small dose before bed and you can increase it down the road. Tea tree oil can be purchased at any drug or nutrition store.

*If you purchase 100% tea tree oil, make sure to mix it with aloe vera, 1 drop of tea tree oil per one ounce of aloe vera. 100% pure tea tree oil can be overdrying for first time users.

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