Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

So now that you're on your way to fixing your sleeping habits, it's time to take care of the dark bags under your eyes. This is an easy one! Remember the chamomile tea you used as a sleeping aid? Make sure to save your tea bags and let them sit in cold water. Before you go to bed, place the cool chamomile tea bags over your eyes for 10 minutes. This will remove the dark circles and diminish the puffiness under your eyes. 2 birds 1 stone, just like that! Leave the panda look to the real pandas.

Dark circles appear under the eyes for several reasons and one being the lack of sleep. The skin under your eyes are the thinnest on the body. The dark bluish colour is caused by broken capillaries in the eye lids. When you aren't giving your body and internal organs time to rest, it has to work over time and can result in these broken capillaries which show through the thin skin.

Now, if you're allergic to ragweeds and cannot use chamomile tea bags, there are many alternative methods for dark puffy eyes. But here are two simple alternatives:

1. Almond oil: Apply almond oil before bed using your ring finger. The skin under your eyes are very delicate. Strong pulling and pressure will lead to premature wrinkles. Your ring finger is normally the weakest finger and therefore will not put as much pressure on the skin under your eyes.
2. Cucumber slices soaked in salt water: Place soaked cucumbers over eyes for 10 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.

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