Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

When sitting for long periods of time, give your legs and back a stretch for 10 minutes every hour.

Lower back problems are becoming extremely common these days thanks to convenience, computers, sedentary activities etc. We find ourselves sitting in front of a computer or tv for hours but we don't realize is that the muscles in our backs are shortening. More specifically the psoas muscle which flexes the hip and spinal column. During prolonged sitting, the psoas becomes shortened and alters our biomechanics. As the psoas muscle shortens, it begins to pull down on the spinal column compressing the joints and discs. This results in herniation of the discs and degeneration of the joints. Pain!

What can you do if you're already experiencing back problems? You need to "re-teach" the muscles in the back to function in a less dysfunctional way through therapeutic exercises and lifestyle changes. It is best that you see a physical therapist for for help in regards to exercises you can perform daily.

1 comment:

  1. yea ppl need to take this stuff more seriously. i had major back pain from psoas being WAY too tight. acupuncture tmr actually -_-
