Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tip of the day for the rest of your days...

Need another and effective way of detoxing your body plus more? Activated charcoal powder is great for detoxing and digestive problems such as excess gas or diarrhea. 

Activated charcoal works by adsorbing excess of toxins, gases, metals and other chemicals which may be harmful for the body. When activated charcoal is taken, it adsorbs excess as it passes through the body. This process renders any toxins harmless as it is attracted and held by the charcoal. 

Activated charcoal can also deodorize gases in the stomach as well as bad breathe. It also has anti-aging properties, reduces cholesterol and fights viruses and bacteria. 

Although activated charcoal has many benefits and almost no negative side effects it is best to seek advice from a medical professional first and take it in moderation. Large and constant dosages can interfere with other medications and cause constipation. 

Also, the prize for the draw arrived in the mail today. Here's a peek at what it is... (Macbook not included)

The prize pack includes: Rice Extract Body Milk, Rice Grain Charcoal Soap, Shiso and Green Tea Facial Cleanser, Rice Extract Lip Balm and Shiso and White Tea Facial Moisturizer/Sunscreen


  1. I've heard people say to brush your teeth with charcoal - apparently it helps with whitening and preventing bad breath? Not sure if there's any truth behind it though...

  2. Hey Eggs, yea, I've heard the same thing. I was talking to a friend of mine who had used it and he got his from Siberia. I know there are other brands. I used to use a face wash made from charcoal and I believe they also had a line of toothpaste of charcoal. I think it was from Japan. I'll try to remember the name. Charcoal is good for whitening, breathe and gums!

  3. You can find it in a nutrition store or one of those Chinese herbal shops.
